An EPICS support module to export National Instruments Network Shared Variables as process variables

Example IOC startup file - calls NetShrVarConfigure() to load netvarconfig.xml

## @file st.cmd IOC startup file
## if you are using the NetShrVar binary distribution you may need
## to manually edit "envPaths"
< envPaths
cd ${TOP}
## Register all support components
dbLoadDatabase "dbd/TestNetShrVar.dbd"
TestNetShrVar_registerRecordDeviceDriver pdbbase
## main args are: portName, configSection, configFile, pollPeriod, options
## (see NetShrVarConfigure() documentation in NetShrVarDriver.cpp)
## portName ("nsv" below) refers to the asyn driver port name - it is the
## external name used in DB files to refer to driver instance
## configSection ("sec1" below) refers to the section of
## configFile ("netvarconfig.xml" below) where settings are read from
## configFile is the path to the main configuration file (netvarconfig.xml)
## pollPeriod (100) is the interval (ms) at which the driver will pull
## values from the client side buffer for variables
## accessed via a BufferedReader connection
## options (0 below) is currently unused but would map to values
## in #NetShrVarOptions
NetShrVarConfigure("nsv", "sec1", "$(TOP)/TestNetShrVarApp/src/netvarconfig.xml", 100, 0)
## Load our record instances - basic network shared variable access.
## Records to access shared variable alarm fields if alarming is enabled.
## Records will still go into alarm state without this being loaded, this is
## to demonstrate how you could modify shared variable alarm settings
## from EPICS PVs
cd ${TOP}/iocBoot/${IOC}
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